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Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum at Archbishop Sumner CofE Primary School (ABS) equips our pupils with skills and knowledge to enable them to thrive today and in the future. We have crafted a creative, broad and inspiring curriculum which is aspirational, inclusive, supportive yet challenging for our diverse pupil community.

Through our tailored and unique curriculum, we seek to 

  • Understand and care for each child and their needs
  • Encourage each other to become the best we can possibly be
  • Inspire each child with a joy of learning and discovery
  • Equip each child with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for the future 

Our curriculum is inclusive and supportive. We are committed to providing the necessary scaffolding and adaptations to ensure that every child can access the curriculum and reach their full potential. Children feel seen and valued through the range of cultures, perspectives and backgrounds they experience through the curriculum. 

  • We value all of our children and ensure that they make progress, whatever their starting points.
  • Children at risk of falling behind are quickly identified and given additional support to overcome barriers to learning, for example through intervention groups or targeted support in class.
  • Where children are not able to access the curriculum, we work with professionals and parents to set clear, achievable targets, reviewing these regularly and celebrating success.

Our curriculum is aspirational and challenging. We foster curiosity, encouraging pupils to push the boundaries of their learning. They develop a deep understanding of the world around them. We have high expectations for all of our pupils.

  • Our high expectations for all pupils means that we adapt the support given to pupils rather than the content.
  • Our curriculum has been sequenced to build on prior knowledge to ensure that understanding deepens over time.
  • Schemes of work, where used, have been carefully chosen to ensure that the content matches our high expectations. Teachers adapt schemes in order to meet the needs of all of our pupils.

Our curriculum reaches beyond the academic. We believe that children thrive when they feel understood and encouraged. We take time to build relationships, ensuring that children’s interests and diverse backgrounds are respected and reflected within school. We nurture moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding. 

  • Our school values, which include hope, love, integrity and respect, are embedded in everything we do. We teach our values through collective worship, in PSHE and throughout our daily interactions.
  • Open-ended ‘I wonder’ questions promote critical thinking and a safe environment in which to develop reasoning, spirituality and self-awareness.
  • We empower pupils through various groups, for example, school council and wellbeing ambassadors. Their voices are heard and acted upon.
  • We promote good mental health using zones of regulation, wellbeing ambassadors, our behaviour policy and our school mental health lead. 

Our curriculum is enriching and exciting. Through a range of activities, including the arts, sports, trips and outdoor learning, we offer our pupils opportunities that inspire and engage them. At ABS, pupils grow in resilience, appreciate beauty in the world and learn to be guided by their beliefs and values.

  • We make the most of our location, exploring our rich local history and visiting museums, galleries and places of cultural significance.
  • Creativity is nurtured through our exciting music, art and DT provision. 
  • Our Eco and Peace gardens provide places of exploration, growth and wonder.
  • We partner with the community, for example, Brixton Chamber Orchestra, local independent schools and Surrey cricket at the Oval.
  • Our wide range of after-school clubs provide opportunities to develop and learn new skills.

In all that we do, we seek to understand, encourage, inspire and equip our children so that they can thrive today and in the future.

I am heard and valued

I am motivated and ready

I am creative and resilient

I am loved







Curriculum Date  
2024 2025 Whole School Curriculum Overview 09th Jan 2025 Download