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Archbishop Sumner is a Lambeth Music Mark school. This means that our commitment to providing high quality music lessons to all children has been recognised. Music supports children's intellectual, emotional and physical development. It develops teamwork and nurtures collaboration, self-discipline and time keeping. We prioritise music within our curriculum, providing a dedicated music teacher for all classes. Our after-school offer always includes various music options. Children at ABS have the opportunity to perform both within school and in the wider community.

Our music curriculum ensures that all children have the opportunity to sing, play, compose and read music. Special annual projects include Year 5 with the Southbank Sinfonia (composition and performance workshops followed by a concert), Year 2 & Year 6 performing at the Royal Festival Hall at the Lambeth Schools Singing Festival, Tears 2and 3 and Years 4 and 6 going to a Brightsparks concert with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. 
Singing is a particular strength and an important part of school life, enjoyed by children and staff alike. This includes singing in collective worship, music lessons, our KS2 choir which performs both in and out of school and twice yearly shows for both lower and upper school. 
At ABS, all children in Years  2 and 3 learn recorders and all children in Year 4 learn Steel Pans and brass instruments. They can then join the recorder group, brass band or steel band in Year 4. Extra music clubs include choir, brass band, recorder ensemble,  steel pan band.
Music mark